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Newsletter n°48

Newsletter n°48


Newsletter n°48  28/07/2023


EFI - job opening


The European Forest Institute (EFI) has launched a job opening for a senior scientist position at the Resilience Programme in Bonn, Germany on the topic of Forest Biodiversity.
Application deadline is 11th of October.


Call for Proposals for the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week


Held every two years, the Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW) brings together a multidisciplinary set of actors engaged in Mediterranean forest activities in one of the most vital fora on Mediterranean forests. The main scope of the MFW is to strengthen cooperation amongst the research community, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders by providing a common regional platform for dialogue
in the management of Mediterranean forests.

The deadline for submitting proposals for Side Events and Sessions has been postponed to 18 October 2021.


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