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Newsletter MedModelForest.net n°15

Newsletter MedModelForest.net n°15


Newsletter n°15  02/08/2023

European Commission: a new GREEN DEAL call!

This September the European Commission will launch the Horizon 2020 GREEN DEAL call (budget 1 billion euros), which will close in early 2021.
This call will mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition aiming at ‘leaving nobody behind’.

SLOW FOOD EUROPE - call for proposals 2020

In order to reach the Strategic Goals of Slow Food’s Call to Action, Slow Food Europe is launching a Call for proposals. Fundable activities must contribute to the achievement of at least 1 of the 3 Strategic Pillars of the Call to Action: DEFEND BIODIVERSITY, EDUCATE THE WIDER WORLD or SUSTAIN OUR EFFORTS AND INFLUENCE THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS.

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