The monumental trees of the Valle dell’Aterno

The monumental trees of the Valle dell’Aterno

On December 20th 2023 the Valle dell’Aterno Model Forest had its annual event to celebrate the association results and achievements and present the ongoing and upcoming projects. It was a participating gathering where associates and stakeholders had the occasion to meet and discuss topics involving the management and care of their territory.

Among the projects presented, one especially caught the interest from the attendants, the idea to start a monumental trees census inside the Model Forest area.

Italy has just approved a new official national list for the monumental trees and the accreditation to that will be realized by a bottom-up process, with the territories called to start the identification and “candidate” the trees to enter the list.

It is for this reason that local associations such as the Valle dell’Aterno MF have a key role in this process, raising awareness about the importance of these trees and giving to the people interested the tools and line guides to start the census.

All the members, associations and private citizens will be provided with a form, connected to Abruzzo Region Forest Office, to submit a potential monumental tree to the regional register. Also, local associations together with the Model Forest will place events, such as a ceremony or gathering, to valorize each single tree and ensure its protection.  

Stay updated by checking the Valle dell’Aterno MF website and social pages.