Mon, Feb 17, 2025

What is the MMFN

The Mediterranean Model Forests Network (MMFN) has been established in 2007 in Spain and for a long time has been hosted by Castilla y Leon Region and the Cesefor Foundation. From 2020 it is hosted by the Tuscany Region who manages it with Municipalities Union of Valdarno and Valdisieve and Montagne Fiorentine Model Forest Association.

The MMFN was born with the aim of expanding the development of the concept of Model Forests and its principles, born in Canada, in the Mediterranean area, in order to study the particularities of the forests and landscapes of the Mediterranean basin, define common objectives and promote a dynamic of work based on models of collaboration between the various members of the Network.

Networking allows Model Forests to play a decisive role in the generation, exchange and dissemination of knowledge, thus contributing to the achievement of global environmental objectives.

  • Ensure that each Model Forest fully represents the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the territory or landscape for which it was created
  • To ensure a balance between the concept of territorial sustainability on a local and global scale
  • Promote teamwork, cultural exchange and knowledge, for the development of new forms of learning and collaboration between members of the Network
