Aterno Valley Model Forest

In a nutshell

On 27 October 2018, the Abruzzo Region signed an agreement with the MMFN to identify a first pilot area in which to implement the principles of the Model Forest. Fifteen municipalities in the Media Valle dell'Aterno (L'Aquila, Abruzzo - Italy) have joined.

Media Valle dell'Aterno is an area of ​​about 30 thousand hectares, of which a large part insists within the Sirente-Velino Regional Natural Park. Work groups divided by thematic groups (forest management, agriculture, tourism, associations/culture) gathered ideas and needs to be included in the strategic plan to be approved by the assembly of the “valley associations” which has been recorded in October 2021 as “Associazione Foresta Modello Valle Aterno – FMVA.

The project was promoted by the "Torre del Cornone - ILEX" Environmental Education Center in Fontecchio (L'Aquila, Abruzzo - Italy) as part of the wider Mediterranean Mosaics program, financed by the Swiss Mava Foundation and implemented in collaboration with the Italian Bird Protection League (Lipu ) and Al-Shouf Cedar Society (ACS - Lebanon). More info on

FMVA has just elected its firs board and its president and is involved – as promoter or partner – in two projects both of them funded by the Italian government: the first deal with a best practices exchanges with the Shouf Biosphere Reserve (Lebanon), while the second regards a forest planning & mapping process, also including awareness actions and forest owners association start up.

Year of affiliation IMFN





Project - Aterno Valley Model Forest

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