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COFO 27, WFW 2024, extraordinary session of Silva Mediterranea: a week full of events at FAO in Rome

COFO 27, WFW 2024, extraordinary session of Silva Mediterranea: a week full of events at FAO in Rome

The 27th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) will be held on 22-26 July 2024 at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy in a hybrid format. The biennial sessions of COFO bring together high-level representatives, heads of forest services, government officials and partner organizations to identify emerging policy and technical guidance, seek solutions, and advise on future strategy and action.

COFO 27 will be held in conjunction with the 9th World Forest Week (WFW 2024) under the theme “Accelerating Forest Solutions through Innovation''.

The Week will feature a series of events and exhibitions bringing FAO Members, partner organizations, including youth and members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, together to discuss a broad range of topics related to FAO mandate and aligned with priority topics to be discussed by the 27th Session of the Committee on Forestry.

A highlight of COFO 27 will be the release of FAO’s flagship publication The State of the World’s Forests 2024 which will provide an in-depth analysis of forest-sector innovations towards a more sustainable future. The week will also feature discussion on scaling up agroforestry, the FAO Forestry Roadmap - From Vision to Action 2024-2031, on bioeconomy, climate change, ecosystem restoration, urban agrifood systems, integrated fire management, and agriculture and forestry linkages.

Join online for discussions on scaling up agroforestry, bioeconomy, climate change, ecosystem restoration and more.

The Secretariat of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network will be in Rome to participate at the event, taking part also in the Extraordinary Session of the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions—Silva Mediterranea that will be held on 25 July 2024 in the context of COFO 27 at the King Faisal (room D263) and in hybrid modality.

This Extraordinary Session of the Committee is convened to inform Members of progress and to share their views on new initiatives launched since the last session in Antalya (Türkiye), 21-25 March 2022.

It will be the occasion for the official launch of the Unasylva special issue on restoration in the Mediterranean region in which the MMFN Secretariat participated with a paper dedicated to the opportunity given by the Model Forest approach in involving rural communities to design restoration projects.
