3°Edition of Forest Film Festival - The driving force of the Earth

3°Edition of Forest Film Festival - The driving force of the Earth

The MMFN Secretariat supports the Forest Film Festival – The driving force of the Earth, an event that saw its 2018 debut in Mantua (North Italy) within the World Forum on Urban Forests. The Festival aims to become an international point of reference for forestry issues since it boasts the singularity of being the only European event that tackles major environmental problems through cinema.

During the event, which will be held in Bergamo (North Italy) from 18th to 21st November 2020, in addition to the free-entry film evenings, there will be numerous collateral events on the environmental theme related to the world of culture, music and art distributed in various locations of the City.

The Festival promotes an international film call aimed at directors and production companies who can register their works that have forests as their object. The competition desires to sensitize public through the cinematographic language using the eyes of directors around the world.

For more information and candidate your Forest Video visit the web site of the event!