A proposal for a better Forest Education in Mediterranean Areas

 A proposal for a better Forest Education in Mediterranean Areas

The MMFN Secretariat endorses the Forest-Ed (Forest Education) proposal, that aims to promote knowledge and thus encourage recognition by the general public of the multiple functions of Mediterranean forest areas.

The proposal was presented by the Provence Model Forest Association (France) to the 2020 ERASMUS + Call for Proposals (Adult education and exchange of good practices) and it includes public institutions, forest wood industries and also some European Model Forests. If accepted, this project would involve several Model Forest stakeholders in training activities about education on sustainable development, in the interest of environmental issues, existing economic sectors and the importance of the fire risk and the coexistence of forest users.

This project would represent a first step for a subsequently closer and longer lasting collaboration between various actors in the pedagogy field, of the Mediterranean area. In fact, it would pretend to share the state of the art and then, try to create a common vision of forests, between the different categories of stakeholders.