IMFN Climate: Scaling-up Nature-based Leadership Platforms for Climate Resilience, Restoring Degraded Forest Landscapes and Biodiversity

Few weeks ago, the IMFN Secretariat launches a new landing webpage for IMFN Climate initiative, announced a year ago on December 12, 2022 at COP15 in Montreal.
Year by year increased the efforts of the MMFN in the FLR projects, recognizing how much the governance tools of the MF approach could be useful in achieving the objectives of restoration, taking together environmental, social and economic views.
The direction is within the whole strategy of IMFN with the Government of Canada that in 2022 launched the “Canada’s Global Forest Leadership Program”.
Within this Program the IMFN started the initiative “IMFN Climate | Scaling-up Nature-based Leadership Platforms for Climate Resilience, Restoring Degraded Forest Landscapes and Biodiversity” with which it will assist Model Forests in at least 10 official development assistance (ODA)–eligible countries via CAD$18.7M in contribution funding in 2023-2026. The target objectives will include place-based investments in NBS through FLR, strengthened gender equity in sustainable forest and land management, knowledge for development in forest and natural resource management education.