Supporting the H2020 Citizen Science with and for society- SWAFS

Supporting the H2020 Citizen Science with and for society- SWAFS

MMFN Secretariat expresses its support to the candidature “EcoLawScience”: a project proposal that aims to increase people’s ecological awareness and to empower citizens in their environmental and climate rights through hands-on Citizen Science (CS) in Law and Ecology (following the Aarhus Convention and the Escasú Convention).

The project proposal has been submitted by the University of Bologna and will encompass in its pilot sites the Mediterranean Model Forest Network, represented by Cesefor as project partner. The goal is to create an ecological citizen, trained to actively react in each stage of the “green transition” both in Europe and in the indigenous communities in the worlds southern countries.

The proposal was submitted in the framework of the H2020-SwafS-2018-2020 Call for Proposals (Science with and for Society), with a specific objective about the construction of an effective cooperation between science and society, in order to recruit new talent for science and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility.