Mon, Feb 17, 2025

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The week-end du chène-liège was a great success!

The sixth edition of the event called "Week-end du chène-liège" (week of cork) was held in La Valette du Var, near Toulon, between Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October, in the beautiful garden of the Domaine de Baudouvin.
The week-end du chène-liège was a great success!

Ljubljana hosted the ONEforest General Assembly Meeting

Between 26 – 28 September the ONEforest consortium celebrated its second General Assembly Meeting of 2022 in Ljubljana, hosted by the University of Ljubljana - Biotechnical Faculty, to discuss the progress and developments carried out so far.

Ljubljana hosted the ONEforest General Assembly Meeting

Building a green, healthy and resilient. XV World Forestry Congress, Seoul

The Fifteenth meeting of the World Forestry Congress (XV WFC) It is held every six years. This year’s event, hosted by the Republic of Korea and co-organized with FAO, was the second congress held in Asia. Indonesia hosted the first Congress in Asia in 1978. Congress has been providing a forum for inclusive discussion on the key challenges and way forward for the forestry sector. The theme for 2022: Building a green, healthy and resilient.

Building a green, healthy and resilient. XV World Forestry Congress, Seoul

Provence Model Forest will enrich the “Collobrières Nature Festival” through various thematic events

On the weekend of 28 and 29 May, the municipality of Collobrières is organizing the 19th edition of the Festival de la Nature! Festival that is committed to showcasing the Massif des Maures, its biodiversity and its natural heritage. The Provence Model Forest, in addition to having participated in the organization of the days, will participate in this festival through various events.
Provence Model Forest will enrich the “Collobrières Nature Festival” through various thematic events
